Boundary 2018, AOTH, Newport, Stowhill. November 2018

A performative action that explores the flux of borderlines. Involving ideas of restriction, cultural identity and divide. Boundary’s are developed whether they be physical or internal . However not a constant but contrary a fluid concept built upon by ideals. Ideals can change and boundary’s expanded . After the position we are in following political agendas it is important to deem that these lines can be crossed. If this can be changed we can also change it. The medium of chalk has been used to amplify the idea that all these lines are illusions that can fade with time. 

granted permission from Newport council, During AOTH (Art on the Hill) I walked wearing a contraption around an outline of areas involved in Art in the Hill, drawing with chalk. It was a rainy day and the chalk line did not last long but it still had impact.