Voice recognition. (Follow the Thread) 2018

I am a Multi Disciplined Visual Artist. My current practise is focused on body sculpture/apparatus, mark making becoming consequential. This has resulted in a continuum of experiments that started exploring the parameters of the human body and its awareness of the prosthetic: creating a developing interplay with control between the sculpture/apparatus and myself: in the pursuit of displaying a conflict with technology in a physical embodiment.

Every day I use voice recondition software even when typing texts there is always something in the way when I am trying to communicate this performative Action is a display of my frustrations And intrigue having to navigate to world in this way. taking into consideration the themes of the red mistake, alterations, mending, missing a stitch, new neural pathways and female voice.

Description: wearable appendage- covering mouth to infer a restriction with voice. I will sew between the A4 cut canvas and my wearable appendage using red thread and a curved needle.