147 days waiting.

Full video (15 mins) available on “window 2020” @liveroomTEMMAH on Facebook #Boycottnewsfeeds Pick who and what you look at f**k the algorithm let’s stop living in bubbles and start talking to each other take time to look at the people you follow individually don’t except suggestions stop ignoring people who don’t agree with you debate with them let’s do something radical with social media lets choose how we use it. Spend at lest 2 hours a day with your shoes off and feet in grass. “Counting space” 2020 In the beginning of the pandemic I was performing whilst pregnant in the tB lounge window as part of the collective concentric For International women’s Day. Entitled “Waiting Room” they were flash performances dealing with the anxiety of waiting for Labour to begin and feeling a spectacle. Due to the coronavirus 19 the residue remained on show in the window for 147 days, because of this unusual turn of events. Now with my second son born and safe, and these extraordinary sad and bizarre times I performed a ceremonial taking down of the residue entitled “counting spaces”.
My children are the greatest worry to me and how they have been affected. It seemed to make sense to take the residue down in a comical way. My sons words resonate with me, he is 3, “what do strangers look like mama” a statement that holds hilarity yet a dark under tone. To him the virus was some alien thing. I don’t know the affects this will have on him, I do know the contrast was great as there were moments of such happiness as we spent so much time together my two sons and my partner. It made sense to try to produce the comedic sadness and anxiety in the take down of “waiting room” The transition into “counting space” counting down the days , the wearing of masks, looking into windows . The new normal. #newnormal #windows #thefuture #now #yellowrubbergloves #listen #pigmask #wecartbreath #thebubbles #whatarewenow

'counting space' 2020 (proposed image 1of3).jpg