Express Yourself (Elysium Gallery) Swansea Jan-Feb 2020

 “Shaving face”

A continuation of collaborations with TEMMAHs loved ones. 

experimental video collaboration between TEMMAH and Phishead exploring themes of sexuality and contemporary Unity. 

 exploring the landscape of each-others body through removing a equal line of hair, an intimate act of Unity and joining of DNA. 

We leave a ephemeral mark on each other joining the hair in a permanent state Beyond the body. 


from newport2019-Swansea 2020

Blindfolded protest activist act of being concerned about bees the humming sound disappearing there Numbers declining so meany flowers and food rely on there pollination what would the world be with out the bee. 

I’m worried............... I cannot many................The hum......................of the not as clustered............where should I look......................Where are ........................all the beesI’m going to cover my eyes for the day and listen in a gesture of trust a offering of bee friendly seeds take and listen to the sermon of bees.