public performaces D2P 2019 27/04-11/05.

-out on the streets 

I have not worked a lot in the public realm such as this and when I have, I have been alone or with one other. It was a day full , there was a buzz in the air that was different to me. It was very exciting to go over the map of where we would go. I should have liked to have spent more time walking with the group talking about locations and their significance to their ideas. As it was I think each piece worked well in the chosen sites, there being some realisations in the act, I felt added a sense of discovery in the moment and made us all work to together. The collective spine work was interactive and was not only a benefit to the artists that participated but there was also a few instances where members of the public became involved. It was fascinating to see the interest people had in geting involved with apparatus in a very public way, I will certainly consider this in my future public realm performances. Unexpected benefit in regards to ‘embrace my own body’s current position: position in regards to social and political aspects. By this I mean thinking about my self identity, past traumas and feelings about current political agendas. As artists in current climates we have no choice but to interact and take action with social aspects of law, identity and culture.’ In the work produced for Adapting work for public realm ‘Washing piece ’ this work was intensely personal but important to share in a public way to be nerving and raise awareness of mental health following a miscarriage that I sadly experience before leaving for the residency; this also had an intensely Emotional affect on me and the other artist involved I learn that a public realm work does not have to be directed at a viewer it can be a personal offering of a ritual act. It was a surprise to me that hidden with In this work was elements of welsh culture.

images by Ram Samocha and Mieke van den Berg.
